Godło Polski

Ahneshka Kominch, a KUE student from Belarus: be yourself and be happy!

Meet Ahneszka, who came to KUE from nearby Belarus.

She was lucky that she already knew Poland very well, and so studies in this country are just the next stage in her life.

How does studying in Krakow look like through the eyes of a Belarusian? Read on!

Welcome Centre: Hi Ahneshka! Thank you for taking part in the project. Why don't you introduce yourself, and say a few words about what you do here.

Ahneshka: Hi guys! I am very happy that I was accepted and today I can tell you a few words about my studies and life in Krakow. So to start with, I'm Ahneshka Kominch from Belarus, specifically from Grodno. I started my studies at KUE quite recently, majoring in International Logistics.

Welcome Centre: And how do you like it so far?

Ahneshka: Honestly, I am very satisfied, but also surprised. I was preparing to face a difficult beginning, but somehow I am coping with it all. I think I owe it to the people I met here.

Welcome Centre: Do you have anyone specific in mind?

Local people helped me a lot

Ahneshka: I met with great understanding from university staff and other students. My decision to study in Poland was a bit like jumping in at the deep end, but I managed to solve many difficult matters with the help of local people.

Welcome Centre: It’s good to hear you've had so many supportive people on your way.

Ahneshka: Such support is irreplaceable. It was the same with my Polish teacher in Belarus. She advised me to study at the KUE and guided me through the recruitment procedures. Thanks to her, I learned about the university and now find myself in Krakow.

Welcome Centre: So this is your secret! We were just about to ask you about your Polish! We wondered how you speak this language so well if you've only been here a few months.

Ahneshka: I was learning it before I left home. I am also very lucky because my mother is a Polish language teacher. She studied at the Jagiellonian University herself, so she really supported my plans to go and study abroad.

Welcome Centre: So you have been wonderfully prepared.

Ahneshka: That's true. I was familiar with both the language and the country itself. In my childhood, I used to come here many times for trips and summer camps, which gave me a lot of joy.

Welcome Centre: And was there anything that surprised you now as an adult?

I am still discovering Poland

Ahneshka: Theoretically, Belarusians and Poles live very close to each other, so there shouldn't be too many differences between us. However, I can see one important thing. Young people in these two countries start their studies at different ages. In Belarus, we enter universities as minors, which turned out to be problematic in Poland. As a 17-year-old, I couldn't decide for myself here, I always had to ask my parents for help. For example, I could not buy medical insurance, so I did not receive a student ID on time, and so the problems built up around me ...

Welcome Centre: So it wasn't all so bright…

Ahneshka: Yes, I had some problems, but again the attitude of the locals turned out to be the key to solving these situations.I noticed that people in Poland are very willing to help. Even people on the street are eager to help you if you need it. It is quite different in Belarus in this respect.

Welcome Centre: All right. Moving on to your studies, tell us something more about your experiences and successes.

I try to be as active as possible

Ahneshka: Well, I am still a fledgling student, but I try to be as active as possible. For example, I have joined two research clubs because I see them as a way for me to develop.

Welcome Centre: And what do you do there?

Ahneshka: I take part in various projects, including helping other students learn English, and recently I also played an active part in a scientific seminar and delivered a speech on logistics.

Welcome Centre: That’s great! And now you can add KUE's International Ambassadors to your list of achievements.

Ahneshka: When I saw the email with the invitation to the project, I immediately decided to answer it. This is a great opportunity to reach out to new people. What's more, I am also considering joining the university choir, because singing and playing the guitar are also my passions.

Welcome Centre: Wow! Where do you get so much motivation to do all this?

Ahneshka: I don't know, it's just inside of me. When I see the effects of my work, it gives me a lot of satisfaction and maybe that's it.

Welcome Centre: You surely have your own formula for success.

My advice is – be yourself and find out what you like best!

Ahneshka: I would say – be yourself and don't worry about how others view you. Be open, do what you like and then you will be happy and feel fulfilled. There is no point in trying to meet other people's expectations. If you feel that your dream is to develop and study, then go in that direction. If you want to sing – just sing. Everything is possible.

Welcome Centre: This is a very important message.

Ahneshka: I'm just trying to take advantage of my opportunities. I realised that my move to Poland was not only for studying, but it is also a completely new perspective for me. I meet many new people, thanks to whom I also discover myself, and this is probably the most valuable thing.

Welcome Centre: Fantastic! Get the most out of it! Finally, we always ask our interviewees about their culinary surprises in Poland. Was there anything in your case?

Ahneshka: I can’t think of anything. I cook for myself, so my plate still features mostly Belarusian flavours, even here in Krakow. Sometimes I also try to prepare Polish dishes, but I don't know enough about the local cuisine to talk about surprises.

Welcome Centre: Polish cuisine is probably quite close to Belarusian I guess. Nevertheless, thank you very much for your participation and for introducing us to the perspective of a Belarusian student!

Ahneshka: Oh, the pleasure is all mine! Thank you for the interview. Good luck to you and to all international students!

Welcome Centre UEK

Welcome Centre UEK – a multilingual unit at Krakow University of Economics (KUE), providing professional service and help to foreign students and applicants, as well as guests and doctoral students.

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The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland Programme.